A toast to a better 2021...

‘If at first you don’t succeed, try doing what your dietician said in the first place…’

She’s absolutely bloody right you know! 

This year I didn’t do my usual writing and re-writing, goal after goal. This year I only set one New Years resolution, and to many it may sound bizarre, but I know it’s the first step I need, to make 2021 different. So, ‘What is Mima’s magnificent New Years resolution?!’ I hear you ask… well, it’s quite simple really, eat the BLOODY TOAST.

Day in, day out. EAT YOUR TOAST MIMA!

It’s actually quite funny typing that out, because, well, it sounds so ridiculously simple and mundane. But for me it’s anything but simple. I’ll find excuse after excuse to justify where my toast has disappeared to, ranging from the eyerolling classic of, ‘we had no bread’, to more inventive ones such as, ‘the house set alight in the middle of the night and we all had to flee, and had no time to pack the toaster you see!’. Thrilling or not, an excuse is an excuse, and cuts no butter with my dietician (quite literally, in this case). 

So although I only have one intention for 2021, I know that if I can do that one small act daily, it will have a domino effect and over time, it will enable me to achieve my other hopes and dreams for this new year.  

Now, I could do a recap about the many highs and lows that 2020 threw my way. But I think that’s been the case for everyone this year, and I think that the more important focus is that I, we, you, she, he, us all… got through it. And that is what I want to carry into this New Year. Resilience.

So, here’s a toast to a better 2021!